Surrounded by darkness and cold
the mind in pain grabs for hold.
Diminished, to be diminished.
The missing link in the chain
of thoughts is now forever gone.
Diminished, to be diminished.
The beast will be wise, feast: eye for an eye.
The beast will be wise, feast: eye for an eye.
Surrounded by darkness and cold
the mind is now forever gone.
Diminished, to be diminished.
Текст песни Necrophagist Diminshed To B
Текст добавил "the_?iddle™" 26.11.2009 13:52
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Тексты Necrophagist
- Advanced Corpse Tumor
- Culinary Hyperversity
- Diminshed To B
- Epitaph
- Extreme Unction
- Fermented Offal Discharge
- Foul Body Autopsy
- Ignominious & Pale
- Intestinal Incubation
- Mutilate The Stillborn
- Only Ash Remains
- Seven
- Stabwound
- Symbiotic Theory
- The Stillborn One
- To Breathe In A Casket
- Все тексты Necrophagist