Do they deal in favors
So that time will roll by
And that peace will stand still
The television denies
They keep your life focused on their truth
To have their truth they must have your life
The illusion of freedom
That will blacken your heart's blood
And dull your senses
Plugged into deception
Текст песни Neurosis Obsequious Obsolenscence
Текст добавил Camomillie 14.6.2010 22:14
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Тексты Neurosis
- A Season In The Sky
- At The End Of The Road
- Bridges
- Burn
- Crawl Back In
- Distill (Watching The Swarm)
- Fear And Sickness
- Given To The Rising
- Hidden Faces
- I Can See You
- Left To Wander
- Nine
- No River To Take Me Home
- Origin
- Shadow
- Stones From The Sky
- The Eye Of Every Storm
- To The Wind
- Watchfire
- Water Is Not Enough
- Все тексты Neurosis