Petals blown from closed hands, by quiet breath
Reason defines us, beauty carries us, recognition makes us
Every thread well placed, every aperture leaks
Dream of the coming on, fail to realize
we cannot carry that which we cannot acquire
Oh we have lost what we longed for
The feeling in my arms, my embrace,
that which you have dropped
This canon is complete, we need this
we need this
This canon is complete, (we need)
Touch me deeply as you once had,
and I will not soon forget it
We speak in riddles to deny the past,
to love the present, to prepare the future
Beyond that which we have more of,
I have seen an old glimmer
It's starry eyes for empty skies, I tell you
I shudder so hard to find,
an embrace so hard to maintain
I sweat pictures, words
hours of days gone,
once buried,
and the corpses now warm to the touch (to the touch)
(warm) (to the touch)
I am the horizon.
I have dreamt of my eyes tracing rings around this world.
my arms are stretched to forever.
My fingers shake with the fear of control.
The fear I know you all know so well.
We all lay claim to our destinies yet we all rise and fall with the current.
Текст песни Saetia Postlapsaria
Текст добавил ___ 22.6.2009 15:19
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