It's all decided for us
How we must live our lives
What is the cost of sacrifice?
To get real freedom?
Everything has its price
But what for?
What goal do you pursue each day? What do you want from life?
To fill your pockets with money or to enjoy
every moment of life
We are all born to be free
without any exceptions
And till we remember it, we are family
With each new day
The Rich are getting wealthier
And poor lose everything
We won't move from the dead point
We can only go with the flow
We waste our time on false values
A lot of power
For good impressions
But we aren't honest with ourself
And we don't even try it
We don't even try it
We don't even try it
We are all born to be free
without any exceptions
And till we remember it
we are family
Текст песни Secure Dead Point
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