Текст песни Secure Surrounded

We're all surrounded
Flatters and liars
We can not be trust
Nothing and no one

This world is educate us
Configures against each other
Create the enemies

Stop doing this
Start be yourself
And you will make loads new friends
Those who you can trust
Stop doing this
Start be yourself
Create your own world with kindness

Other gray mass of fools will be angry
They have nothing at all
Let them continue to live like an animals
If they wont it realized
That they lost forever

Belive in your strength
They don't want anything to hear
They all are deaf!!!

Stop doing this
Start be yourself
And you will make loads new friends
Those who you can trust
Stop doing this
Start be yourself
Create your own world with kindness

My world, my friends!
This is what i stand for

You should be kind and tolerant,
attending to other people's needs.
Honor and respect are extracted by force,
And selflessness and willingness to share the last piece.

Текст добавил OUR HEAVEN 7.3.2017 21:42

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