It’s like to look at someone as broken as me
To hide a smile that comes from within
To drop a shadow of your wry silhouette
On every thought that runs through my head
To destroy
To raze the cities and towns to the ground
To deceive, to defile, to destroy
To shower flames from the crack in the sky
Текст песни Septa Destroyer, Pt. 5
Текст добавил OUR HEAVEN 8.9.2016 1:04
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Тексты Septa
- 12th
- Borg Queen
- Destroyer, Pt. 1
- Destroyer, Pt. 2
- Destroyer, Pt. 5
- Destroyer, Pts. 3 & 4
- Discouraged One
- Don't Dead Open Inside
- Enter The Butterflies
- Her Body Still Sings
- I, Havoc
- Photographs
- Red Code
- Ropes
- Ruins On Ruins On Ruins
- Run Home
- The Rats In The Walls
- Threat Level Midnight
- Unmaker Omega
- Widower
- Все тексты Septa