Nothing but lies
Hollow eyes
Suits and Ties
Comes at a price
One mans hell
Anothers paradise
Nothing but games
Pointing your fingers
Whole towns in flames
Air strikes
Blood on the pavements
And heads on spikes
Stopping signs of life in the factory of death
In the shadow of the city, we've got nothing left
Crawling through the tunnels in the dead of the night
You do as you are told although you knows its not right
Just lies
Nothing but lies
Hollow eyes
In suits and ties
And time again
Went with it
Stopping signs of life in the factory of death
In the shadow of the city, we've got nothing left
Crawling through the tunnels in the dead of the night
You do as you are told although you knows its not right
Its not right
Its not right
Its not right
Its not righttttt
Текст песни Slaves (UK) Lies
Текст добавил Toshalink 19.1.2017 18:43
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Тексты Slaves (UK)
- Angelica
- Cold Hard Floor
- Consume Or Be Consumed
- Fuck The Hi-Hat
- Gary (Skit)
- Hypnotised
- I Shine My Shoes With A Dirty Vest
- Lies
- Mr. Industry (Skit)
- OK
- People That You Meet
- Play Dead
- Rich Man
- Same Again
- Spit It Out
- STD's / PHD's
- Steer Clear
- Take Control
- Where's Your Car Debbie?
- Why Would You?
- Все тексты Slaves (UK)