Deafening sound
Blackens the sky
Ashes rain down
Puritans die
Infinite war
Infinite war
Infinite war
Overlord, bring decibels of revolt
Two minutes and counting
Kill to remember
This war is a knife
Which will never surrender
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Overlord, bring decibels of revolt
Imperial hubris unholy oxy moron
Infinite contradiction
Become the enemy to defeat yourself
Kill switch engaged
Enemy sound
Snake bit nation
Burns to the ground
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Overlord, bring decibels of revolt
Infinite repetition
Never lessens a lie
Unless or until
All reason's eclipsed in denial
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Infinite war “deafening sound”
Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Infinite War
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:10
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Тексты Corrosion of Сonformity
- Arms Of God
- Back Slider
- Congratulations Song
- Crown Of Thorns
- Diablo Blvd.
- Dirty Hands And Empty Pockets or Already Gone
- Doublewide
- Infinite War
- It Is That Way
- Never Turns To More
- Over Me
- Paranoid Opioid
- Rise River Rise
- Sleeping Martyr
- So Much Left Behind
- Stare Too Long
- Stonebreaker
- Who's Got The Fire
- World On Fire
- Zippo
- Все тексты Corrosion of Сonformity