Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Over Me

Rain, sleepless rain is comin' down again
It's the same, same, same just like you know when...
Yes I do.

Oh.. it's floodin' in the holy land
Oh.. I'm drownin' like a workin' man...
Oh.. but there is nowhere else that I would rather be, yeah...

One more time..
If you were mine, if you were mine, if you were mine...

Over me, rain or shine. I'd be satisfied

Blame, burnin' blame is underneath my skin
Such a shame, shame, shame, shame, wish I knew it then
Yes I do, yes I do

Oh.. sing another lullaby
Oh.. I think we need an alibi
Oh.. but there is nowhere else that I would rather be

One more time
If you were mine, if you were mine, if you were mine....

Over me, rain or shine. I'd be satisfied yeah

Rain, tired rain slowin' down again..
But the pain doesn't feel the same like I remember then..
Yes I do, yes I do

Oh.. it's floodin' in the holy land
Oh.. I'm drownin' like a workin' man
Oh.. but there is nowhere else that I would rather be, yeah.....

One more time..
If your were mine, if you were mine, if you were mine..

Over me, rain or shine
I....I'd be satisfied

You'd be over me, over me
You'd be over me, one more time....

Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:11

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