Far from reach how the serpents preach
life is a sin when the shepherds are breeding
In the quiet place force the mind to erase
so the people can pray to the distant drummer
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
no care no less
divine surpass
be it man or...
Ashes cover the man which the decades demand
and paves the way for the sick and the dying
The devil hides his tail behind the virgin's veil
so the dead can dance to a distant drummer
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
no care no less
divine surpass
be it man or...
Ashes fall like rain as the blind go insane
the shepherds fall to the feet of the martyr
Baptize with gasoline holy flame unholy scene
as the ashes rise to the distant drummer
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
These are primitive times
no care no less
divine surpass
be it man or ash
Not Man Or Ash...
Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Man Or Ash
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:21
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Тексты Corrosion of Сonformity
- Arms Of God
- Back Slider
- Congratulations Song
- Crown Of Thorns
- Diablo Blvd.
- Dirty Hands And Empty Pockets or Already Gone
- Doublewide
- Infinite War
- It Is That Way
- Never Turns To More
- Over Me
- Paranoid Opioid
- Rise River Rise
- Sleeping Martyr
- So Much Left Behind
- Stare Too Long
- Stonebreaker
- Who's Got The Fire
- World On Fire
- Zippo
- Все тексты Corrosion of Сonformity