I have been hunting on the I-10 with Jesus and a liar
And watched ancient man use a gun to retire
I've seen the wall fall down and crush the old
So now every body's hungry but they'd rather be cold
Let it go, let it go, let it go
Before we lose it all in time what's
Deserved always gets served
'Cause we stick therefore we can, break down end time
Hey fool haven't you heard heaven's not over flowing
And I been to a seance for the ku klux klan,
I've seen a brother kill another with his own bare hand
I've seen your rising son fall in your mama's eye
And now the cops got a medal but he calls it a prize.
Let it go, let it go, let it go
Before we lose it all in time
Blah blah blah blah blah,
'Cause we stick therefore we can break down end time
Hey fool haven't you heard haven's not over flowing
You know the rules only apply on the witness stand
At that you never get in trouble if you stick with your plan
That's why I'm living for the day like a necromancer
'Cause when you go you're gone take the pain back stabber.
Stick me & let it go...
Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Heaven's Not Overflowing
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:22
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Тексты Corrosion of Сonformity
- Arms Of God
- Back Slider
- Congratulations Song
- Crown Of Thorns
- Diablo Blvd.
- Dirty Hands And Empty Pockets or Already Gone
- Doublewide
- Infinite War
- It Is That Way
- Never Turns To More
- Over Me
- Paranoid Opioid
- Rise River Rise
- Sleeping Martyr
- So Much Left Behind
- Stare Too Long
- Stonebreaker
- Who's Got The Fire
- World On Fire
- Zippo
- Все тексты Corrosion of Сonformity