How did I come to become
How did we come to become this way
When we were inseparable
Formula of rituals I have lived
Lost time-resentment
I can't forgive when we were inseparable
Made a commitment to resentment
You will never forget it
Side by side oblivous protected
Someone to hide behind
Situation of security
Foundation of stability
Happily ever after
I won't but that shit
Happily ever after
Sacrifice my freedom
My precious time
For money and security
For my senile state of time
Look in the future
Save all my money
While life slips away
Slip away unchallenged
Happily ever after
Stagnating ill choking on
A bitter pill something went
Wrong this is not how I am
Supposed to feel there must
Be something seriously wrong
With me I've gone out and
Done all the things that
were supposed to bring me
Harmony still not
Satisfied someone must
Have lied about this
Formula formula of
Rituals I have lived
So busy so involved inyour lie
That I forgot to even try
Only alive to do what's
Living a sacrifice?
Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Happily Ever After
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:28
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Тексты Corrosion of Сonformity
- Arms Of God
- Back Slider
- Congratulations Song
- Crown Of Thorns
- Diablo Blvd.
- Dirty Hands And Empty Pockets or Already Gone
- Doublewide
- Infinite War
- It Is That Way
- Never Turns To More
- Over Me
- Paranoid Opioid
- Rise River Rise
- Sleeping Martyr
- So Much Left Behind
- Stare Too Long
- Stonebreaker
- Who's Got The Fire
- World On Fire
- Zippo
- Все тексты Corrosion of Сonformity