Certain leaders build their tools of death
Saying it's all to keep the peace
They're saying one thing doing another
Both sides of the scales of power
The deadly loads increase
Mad world we're living in a mad world
We're living in a mad mad mad mad mad world
As they sit down at the table
Trapping the media's narrow view
They prepare for their intervention
A military masadventure or two
People today ask fewer questions
Accepting the excuses on TV
As negotiations grab the attention
They repeat the lies
Until they sound like the truth
Mad world we're living in a mad world
We're living in a mad mad mad mad mad world
Текст песни Corrosion of Сonformity Mad World
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 17.5.2011 23:28
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Тексты Corrosion of Сonformity
- Arms Of God
- Back Slider
- Congratulations Song
- Crown Of Thorns
- Diablo Blvd.
- Dirty Hands And Empty Pockets or Already Gone
- Doublewide
- Infinite War
- It Is That Way
- Never Turns To More
- Over Me
- Paranoid Opioid
- Rise River Rise
- Sleeping Martyr
- So Much Left Behind
- Stare Too Long
- Stonebreaker
- Who's Got The Fire
- World On Fire
- Zippo
- Все тексты Corrosion of Сonformity