Текст песни The Fall Of Troy Dirty Pillow Talk

Slow down
You're gonna hurt yourself, child
Would things shatter like broken glass
Names don't matter, not important
You don't matter to me, so walk away
You're not anybody, anyway

I'm intentionally intoxicated
Pretending nothing is real, infatuated

Hit or miss, hit or miss, hit or miss it.
Get a fix, get a fix, get a fix quick

Slow down
You're gonna hurt yourself, child
Would things shatter like broken glass
Names don't matter, not important
You don't matter to me, so walk away
You're not anybody, anyway

Pull your hair back
swagger talk
Get what you're asking for
You did this to me
You did this to me
And now you feel afraid, yeah
Now you feel afraid, yeah


Slow down
You're gonna hurt yourself, child
Would things shatter like broken glass
Names don't matter, not important.

Текст добавил OUR HEAVEN 20.9.2016 14:20

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