Текст песни Tool Undertow

Two times in!
I've been struck dumb by a voice that
speaks from deep beneath the endless waters.
It's twice as clear as heaven,
and twice as loud as reason.
It's deep and rich like silt on a riverbed,
and just as neverending.
The current's mouth below me,
opens up around me.
Suggests and beckons all while swallowing.
It surrounds, and drowns, and sweeps me awaaaaaaaaay.
But I'm so comfortable... so comfortable.
(shut up 4x) you're saturating me.
How could I let, this bring me back to my knees?

Third time in!
I've been baptized by your voice.
it screams from deep beneath the cold black water.
and it's half as high as heaven,
and half as clear as reason.
it's cold and and black like silt on the riverbed,
and just as neverending.
The current's mouth below me,
opens up around me.
Suggests and beckons all while swallowing.
It surrounds and drowns and sweeps me awaaaaaaaaay.
But I'm so comfortable. Too comfortable.
(shut up 4x) you're saturating me.
How could, I let, this happen?
Why don't you kill me,
I am, weak and, numb and, insignificant,
how could, I let, this bring me back to my knees?


I'm back doooooown.
I'm in the undertooow.
I'm helpless and I'm awaaaake,
I'm in the undertooow.
IIII'll die in the undertow.
It doesn't seem that there's a waaay,
ouuut of the undertowwww.

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