Another day is gone. So many have died.
I still cannot find the reason why.
We're standing this crimes, we're standing their lies
pretending not to see what they hide.
But I won't give up
No!I won't fight for their cause,
be what they want, trust in their thoughts.
No!Not this time, not with my mind.
I will not betray myself.
You wake up everyday to walk your own way
You can't see your close friend fade away.
When your turn will come, you will die and burn:
this world is made of people just like you.
But I won't give up
No!I won't fight for their cause,
be what they want, trust in their thoughts.
No!I won't take what they give,
believe what they say, in wars that they made.
No!Not this time, not with my mind.
They lied! They're still lying
in everything they say.
Don't let them the chance to catch you:
just choose your way!
Keep strong!Don't let it go!
Believe in what you love.
Remember they don't know
what you've got inside.
Now I wait for the sun
to hit my head instead of their guns.
Just have a dream before jumping in.
Текст песни Vanilla Sky Wait For The Sun
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Тексты Vanilla Sky
- 6 Come 6
- 70 Miles Far Away
- A Thousand Miles
- All The Things She Said (Tatu Cover)
- Break It Out
- Broken Car
- Cut Away
- Distance
- Distance Pt.2
- Gotta Believe
- Have You Ever Seen The Rain
- Looking For Memories
- Never Falling Star
- New Heart
- Nightmare
- Not Your Friend
- On & On
- Thousands Miles
- Umbrella
- Wait For The Sun
- Все тексты Vanilla Sky
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