Wake up wake up i think this is not the end
Stand up stand up dignity's in your hands
You may be breaking out falling off cracking up
Black out black out they're turning off all your minds
Keep Out keep out freedom is not allowed
You may be thinking of making out rising up
Don't let them walk on you
Stand up for yourself
Wasting all those years in a trance
Drunk of life still i fight
When TV became our life
Wake up cause tomorrow you'll be gone
Time to change for something real
Live our lives and have no fear
To resist oppose and love whatever we wont
You fool they choose it's never been so hard
You may be blowing out chasing off watching out
Don't let them rule for you
Stand up for yourself
Wasting all those years in a trance
Drunk of life still i fight
When TV became our life
Wake up cause tomorrow you'll be gone
Time to change for something real
Live our lives and have no fear
What i feel is what I've got
And what i know is everything's wrong
Resistance or not existence
Connect to the world and change this game
Wasting all those years in a trance
Drunk of life still i fight
When TV became our life
Wake up cause tomorrow you'll be gone
Time to change for something real
Live our lives and have no fear
Wake up
wake up
Текст песни Vanilla Sky Letargo
Текст добавил scuvi 19.7.2010 21:20
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Тексты Vanilla Sky
- 6 Come 6
- 70 Miles Far Away
- A Thousand Miles
- All The Things She Said (Tatu Cover)
- Break It Out
- Broken Car
- Cut Away
- Distance
- Distance Pt.2
- Gotta Believe
- Have You Ever Seen The Rain
- Looking For Memories
- Never Falling Star
- New Heart
- Nightmare
- Not Your Friend
- On & On
- Thousands Miles
- Umbrella
- Wait For The Sun
- Все тексты Vanilla Sky