You're eating yourself alive
Alive and you don't even see it
Accept the signs
You can take it or leave it
Whatever happened to integrity?
Whatever happened to sincerity?
A feeding frenzy
A monstrosity
Leeching on tho a host and never letting go
You're bleeding it dry,
Draining it of any growth
Once a leech now turned into a ghost
The feeding frenzy has left you all alone
So now it's time to let go
So now it's time to let go
So now it's time to let go
The only thing a fool knows
The only thing that is visible
Is what has been put on the pedestal
The only thing a fool knows
Leeching on tho a host and never letting go
You're bleeding it dry,
Draining it of any growth
Once a leech now turned into a ghost
The feeding frenzy has left you all alone
Their sights are set
And now they feed
Their senses are numb
But still they feed
Forgive them for they don't know what they do
This is all they know
Their senses are numb
And still, and still they feed
And still they feed
They're eating themselves alive
So now it's time to let go
It's time to let go
It's time to let go
It's time to let go
Текст песни Within The Ruins Feeding Frenzy
Текст добавил ffactor 5.8.2013 18:18
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