Woke up this morning and decided
today wasn't good enough.
So tonight I'm drinking
for all the wrong reasons,
destruction at it's best.
As I point the bottle to the sky,
I find what I've been looking for this whole time.
As I point the bottle to the sky,
I find what I've been looking for this whole time.
I've really brought the best out in me,
or so I thought....
As I remember why today wasn't good enough.
Good enough.
As I point the bottle to the sky,
I find what I've been looking for my whole life.
All went black in an instant,
the sun poured down on me.
And all I could repeat,
through my throbbing mind.
All I could repeat through my throbbing mind (was)
My eyes have seen better days.
Текст песни Within The Ruins The Carouser
Текст добавил DiMONZ 28.12.2010 15:00
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