Выберите букву с которой начинается название исполнителя:
0-9#., A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
9.1/10 10
Instrumental Post-Rock
?.? 3
Alternative Metal Melodic Metalcore
?.? 0
EBM Electronic Krautrock
T. Rex
?.? 2
Alternative Rock Folk Glam Rock
?.? 1
Melodic Death Metal Thrash Metal
Experimental Fusion Instrumental Jazz Progressive Metal
Hardcore Horror Punk Punk Rock
Alternative Rock
Black Metal
6.9/10 5
Atmospheric Black Metal Black Metal Depressive Black Metal
?.? 4
Female Vocalist Gothic Metal Power Metal Progressive Metal Symphonic Metal
Tacit Fury
Death Metal Thrash Metal
4.2/10 7
Tactical Sekt
Dark Electro Industrial
8.7/10 13
Tagada Jones
Atmospheric Black Metal Depressive Black Metal
Hardcore Screamo
?.? 5
Take a Worm for a Walk Week
Experimental Jazzcore Mathcore Выбор Администрации
8.2/10 14
Take Back The Roman Empire
Deathcore Nintendocore
?.? 7
Take Charge
Deathcore Technical Deathcore
Take It Back (Thailand)
Beatdown Hardcore
Take It Back!
Melodic Hardcore
Take No Prisoners
Beatdown Hardcore Female Vocalist
Take One Car
Alternative Rock Mainstream Post-Hardcore
Take The Crown
Electronic Mainstream Post-Hardcore
8.7/10 14
Take This Life
Melodic Metalcore
Take-off Rockets
Mainstream Post-Hardcore
Experimental Mainstream Post-Hardcore
Taking Back Sunday
Alternative Rock Pop Punk
8.7/10 19
Taking Your Last Chance
8.6/10 121
Experimental Psychedelic Rock Sludge Metal
Folk Punk Ska Punk
Tales of Dark...
Doom Metal Female Vocalist Gothic Metal
Tales Of Terror
Grunge Hardcore
?.? 6
TALITHA (ex-Lizard Minelli)
Progressive Metalcore
Talk Talk
Experimental New Wave Post-Rock Synthpop Выбор Администрации
8.7/10 21
Talking Heads
Alternative Rock New Wave Post-Punk Выбор Администрации
Instrumental Math Rock Post-Rock Progressive Rock
Tame Impala
Psychedelic Rock
Tampere SS
Hardcore Punk Rock
EBM Electro-Industrial
Chaotic Hardcore Screamo
Tangerine Dream
Ambient Electronic Legend
Thrash Metal
Heavy Metal Modern Metal
Female Vocalist Melodic Death Metal Progressive Death Metal
Alternative Rock Post-Grunge
Experimental Post-Hardcore Sludge Metal
Folk Metal Medieval Metal
Math Metal Progressive Metal
Ambient Breakcore Experimental IDM
Tapes'n Tapes
Indie Rock
Tapping the Vein
Female Vocalist Gothic Metal
Nu Metal
8.3/10 11
Hardcore Thrash Metal
Tardy Brothers
Tarja Turunen
Female Vocalist Symphonic Metal
8.4/10 30
Heavy Metal
Melodic Death Metal Modern Metal
Tasmin Archer
Female Vocalist Soul
Taste The Steel
Tasters (ex-Taster's Choice)
8.4/10 27
Tawny Peaks
Midwest Emo/Indie Emo
Tax On Joy
?.? 14
Team Dresch
Female Vocalist Punk Rock Queercore Riot Grrrl
Team Sleep
Alternative Rock Experimental
8.5/10 5
Tear Out The Heart
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Melodic Metalcore
Tears for Fears
Alternative Rock Legend New Wave Выбор Администрации
Tears From The Sky
Tears of Gaia
Metalcore sXe
Tears of Magdalena
Female Vocalist Gothic Metal Symphonic Metal
Tears Of Martyr
Tears Run Rings
Dream Pop Shoegaze
Darkwave Female Vocalist Synthpop
Ted Nugent
Hard Rock
TedDy DoLLs
Teddy Geiger
Teen Cthulhu
Black Metal Experimental Grindcore
Teen Hearts
Electronic Pop Rock Powerpop
Teen suicide
Lo-Fi Noise Rock
Teenage Bottlerocket
Pop Punk Punk Rock
Teenage Jesus and the Jerks
Female Vocalist Legend No Wave
Teenage Time Killers
Heavy Metal Punk Rock
Tegan and Sara
Black Metal Death Metal
Deathcore Metalcore
Teleport Me, Johny
8.8/10 8
Legend Post-Punk Psychedelic Rock Punk Rock
Television Personalities
Indie Pop Lo-Fi Post-Punk
Tell Me A Fairytale
7.4/10 15
Tell-Tale Hearts
Tellus Terror
Melodic Death Metal Progressive Death Metal
Female Vocalist Modern Metal
Temple of the Dog
Temple Of Thieves
Alternative Metal Progressive Rock
Ten After Two
8.1/10 15
Ten Kens
Alternative Rock Indie Rock
Ten masked men
Death Metal
Ten Tonn Hammer
Groove Metal Hardcore
8.3/10 14
Ten Yard Fight
Hardcore sXe
Ten Years After
Blues Rock
Tenacious D
Acoustic Alternative Rock
8.6/10 26
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Progressive Rock
Gothic Metal
Instrumental Math Rock Post-Rock
Acoustic Dark Ambient Folk
8.1/10 62
Experimental Indie Rock Psychedelic Rock
8.3/10 74
Tenth Avenue North
Alternative Rock Christian
Post-Metal Progressive Metal
Ter Haar
Indie Rock Math Rock
Heavy Metal Power Metal
Tera Melos
Experimental Math Rock Post-Rock Progressive Rock
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist Pop Punk
Termin Vox
Modern Metal Nu Metal
Terminal Choice
8.6/10 5
Terminal Justice Maxx
8.7/10 45
Terra Naomi
Acoustic Female Vocalist Pop Rock
Terra Tenebrosa
Experimental Post-Metal
8.2/10 19
8.6/10 23
Terror 2000
Terror back down
Terror Inside
Melodic Death Metal Melodic Metalcore Modern Metal
7.3/10 19
Terror On The Screen
Pop Punk Mainstream Post-Hardcore
?.? 10
Terror Universal
Electronic Industrial Metal Metalcore
Brutal Death Metal Goregrind Technical Death Metal
Deathgrind Grindcore
7.9/10 9
Terveet Kadet
Tesla Machine
8.4/10 17
Experimental Progressive Metal
8.6/10 64
Test switch Isolator
Experimental Grindcore Jazzcore Mathcore Выбор Администрации
8.6/10 31
Legend Thrash Metal
8.5/10 11
Melodic Hardcore Melodic Metalcore
Tetrys (ex-Ласковые Усы)
Pop Punk
Texas Hippie Coalition
Groove Metal Southern Rock
Texas In July
Christian Melodic Metalcore
8.6/10 34
Texas Is the Reason
9.3/10 12
Textbook Traitors
Emo Violence Screamo
Progressive Metal Technical Death Metal
8.6/10 17
Thallahu Akbar
Experimental Moshcore
Thanks For Your Pain
Modern Metal
ThanksForMeds (ex-The life gray)
Tharsis They
Experimental Hardcore
That Handsome Devil
Alternative Rock Experimental Funk Rock Jazz
?.? 8
That Which Remains
Dark Metal Female Vocalist Gothic Metal
That's Outrageous!
8.4/10 7
Thavius Beck
Abstract Hip-Hop Experimental
The (International) Noise Conspiracy
The 11th Hour
Death Metal Doom Metal
The 13th Floor Elevators
Legend Psychedelic Rock
The 1975
Alternative Rock Indie Pop Indie Rock Pop Rock
The 19th Lot Of Mourmelon
The 244 GL
Deathcore Female Vocalist Mathcore
The 3rd And The Mortal
Doom Metal Female Vocalist
The 4-Skins
Legend Oi! Punk Rock
Female Vocalist Garage Rock Rockabilly
The 69 Eyes
Alternative Rock Glam Rock
8.3/10 71
The A-Band
Avant-Garde Experimental Instrumental Rock
The Aasee Lake
Post-Rock Shoegaze
The Absence
Melodic Death Metal
The Acacia Strain
Moshable Metalcore Moshcore
8.6/10 49
The Academy Is...
Indie Rock Pop Rock Pop Punk
The Accused
Hardcore Legend
The Adicts
Punk Rock
The Advaita Concept
Progressive Metal Progressive Metalcore
The Adverts
The Advocate
The Afghan Whigs
The Afters
Alternative Rock Christian Pop Rock
The Agnes Circle
Coldwave Post-Punk
The Agonist
Female Vocalist Melodic Death Metal Melodic Metalcore
8.4/10 93
The Agony Scene
Melodic Death Metal Melodic Metalcore
8.2/10 12
The Ailment
8.4/10 21
The Air I Breathe
7.9/10 11
The Air of Hiroshima
Melodic Hardcore Post-Rock
The Airborne Toxic Event
The Alan Parsons Project
Progressive Rock Rock
The Alfee
Folk J-Rock Progressive Rock
The Algorithm
Electronic Experimental Instrumental Math Metal
8.5/10 15
The All-American Rejects
Pop Punk Pop Rock
8.5/10 16
The Allman Brothers Band
Hard Rock Southern Rock
The Almost
8.7/10 5
The Amenta
Industrial Metal
The American Dollar
Ambient Electronic Instrumental Post-Rock
8.6/10 11
The Amity Affliction
8.4/10 99
The Analogs
Oi! Street Punk
The Angelic Process
Ambient Drone
8.8/10 19
The Animal In Me
Electronic Female Vocalist Mainstream Post-Hardcore
8.7/10 8
The Anix
Alternative Rock Industrial Synth Rock
The Answer
The Antlers
Indie Rock Post-Rock
The Apollo Program
Post-Hardcore Screamo
The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra
The Appleseed Cast
The Aqua Velvets
Surf Rock
The Arcane Order
The Arcanum Effect
Deathcore Progressive Deathcore
?.? 11
The Argent Dawn
The Armed
Chaotic Hardcore Mathcore
8.4/10 15
The Arrs
The Arson Project
The Artifact
The Arusha Accord
8.6/10 38
The Ascendicate
Christian Melodic Metalcore Nu Metal
The Assistant
Emo Violence Female Vocalist
The Ataris
The Atlantics
Instrumental Surf Rock
The Atlas Moth
Experimental Sludge Metal
The Atomic Bomb Audition
Doom Metal Post-Metal
The Audition
The Automatic
The Autumn Every Burn
7.7/10 14
The Autumn Offering
7.8/10 9
The Autumns
Dream Pop Indie Rock Shoegaze
The Avalanche Diaries
The Avenging Disco Godfathers of Soul
Emo Violence Experimental Grindcore
The Awakening
Gothic Rock
The B-52s
Female Vocalist New Wave
The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza
The Banner
Hardcore Horror Punk Metalcore
The Barber
Chaotic Hardcore Southern Rock
The Baseballs
Rock & Roll
The Beach Boys
Legend Rock Surf Rock
The Bear Season
The Beat
New Wave Ska
The Beatles
Blues Rock Legend Pop Rock Rock Rock & Roll
8/10 59
The Beautified Project
The Beautiful Day For Suicide
5.7/10 5
The Beautiful Mistake
Emo Post-Hardcore
The Beauty Of Gemina
Dark Electro
The Belch
The Bella Donna
The Beneath
Christian Progressive Metalcore
The Bereaved
The Berzerker
Cybergrind Death Metal Grindcore
8.6/10 33
The Best Pessimist
Ambient Electronic Post-Rock
9/10 9
The Beverly Secret
8.6/10 40
The Big Pink
Electronic Indie Rock Shoegaze
The Birds Are Spies, They Report to the Trees
Emo Screamo
The Birthday Massacre
Female Vocalist Industrial Rock Synthgothic
8.5/10 108
The Birthday Party
Gothic Rock Post-Punk
The Black Angels
Indie Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Black Chain
Experimental Grindcore Mathcore
The black covered distance
The Black Crowes
Blues Rock Hard Rock Legend Southern Rock
The Black Dahlia Murder
8.4/10 98
The Black Heart Rebellion
Folk Post-Rock Screamo
The Black Keys
The Black Mages
Instrumental Neo-Classical Metal Progressive Metal Symphonic Metal
The Black Maria
The Black Sheep
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist
The Blacklight Posterboys
The Blackmail
The Blackout
The Blacktop Cadence
Emo Midwest Emo/Indie Emo
The Blank Theory
The Bled
The Blinded (ex-Blinded Сolony)
The Blood Brothers
The Bloody Irish Boys
Folk Punk Punk Rock
The Bloody Jug Band
Southern Rock Stoner Rock
The Blue Van
The Bojarski
Melodic Hardcore Punk Rock
The Book of Death
Death Metal Melodic Death Metal Melodic Metalcore
The Boomtown Rats
New Wave Pop Punk
The BossHoss
Country Rockabilly
The Bouncing Souls
The Bowery
Melodic Metalcore Progressive Metalcore
The Boy Will Drown
7.8/10 19
The Brains
Horror Punk Psychobilly Rockabilly
The Bravery
Alternative Rock Electronic Experimental
The Breathing Process
Deathcore Female Vocalist Melodic Death Metal Symphonic Metal
8.3/10 17
The Breeders
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist Indie Rock Riot Grrrl
The Breeze The Breath
Electronic Pop Punk Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Bridal Procession
Progressive Death Metal Progressive Deathcore Symphonic Metal
8.2/10 10
The Bride
Melodic Metalcore Mainstream Post-Hardcore
8.4/10 26
The Bride Of Changes
8.5/10 21
The Briggs
The Bright Insight
Noise Rock Post-Hardcore
The Bright Side
The Bright Sky California
7.4/10 11
The Bright Star Alliance
The Broken Result
Deathcore Melodic Death Metal
The Bronx
The Browning
Deathcore Electronic
The Bubblegun
The Bullet Never Lies
8.6/10 13
The Bunny The Bear
The Burner
Chaotic Hardcore Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Burning Season
The Burns
The Butterfly Effect
The Buzzhorn
Alternative Rock Hard Rock
The Byrds
Country Folk Rock Legend Psychedelic Rock
The Cab
The Caesars
The Calling
Alternative Rock Pop Rock
The Candlepark Stars
Ambient Post-Rock
The Capricorns
Female Vocalist Indietronica
The Cardigans
Alternative Rock Dream Pop Female Vocalist Pop Rock
The Carrier
The Casino Brawl
The Castaways
Art Rock Garage Rock
The Castrull Of Borsch
Free Jazz Goregrind
The Casualties
Hardcore Street Punk
8.3/10 10
The Cat Empire
Funk Rock Fusion Ska
The Cell #4
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Progressive Metalcore
The Cellar Doorz (Ex-Break The Silence)
The Centurions
Legend Surf Rock
The Challengers
The Chameleons
The Chantays
Instrumental Legend Surf Rock
The Charge (ex Hektic Spektic)
Chaotic Hardcore
The Chariot
Chaotic Hardcore Christian
8.3/10 160
The Charlatans
Britpop Indie Rock
The Charm The Fury
Female Vocalist Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Chase
Indie Rock Punk Rock
?.? 12
The Chase (New Zealand)
The Chasm
Dark Metal Progressive Death Metal
The Chemical Brothers
Electronic Legend
8.7/10 24
The Chromium Heart
The Church
Alternative Rock Post-Punk
The Cinematics
The Circle Ends Here
Ambient Post-Metal
8.7/10 16
The City He Loved
Melodic Hardcore Melodic Metalcore Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Clash
Legend Post-Punk Punk Rock Reggae Выбор Администрации
The Classic Crime
The Cold Harbour
8.8/10 22
The Color Morale
8.5/10 13
The Color Of Violence
Experimental Mathcore Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Comas
The Company Band
The Concrete Summer
The Confession
Hard Rock Heavy Metal Melodic Metalcore
The Connells
Indie Rock Pop Rock
The Constellations
The Contortionist
8.3/10 40
The Contradiction
Oriental Metal
The Convocation Of...
The Cooper Temple Clause
The Coral
The Corrs
Folk Rock Pop Rock
The Cosmic Dead
Psychedelic Rock Space Rock
The Coterie
The Count Five
Garage Rock Psychedelic Rock
The County Medical Examiners
Deathgrind Goregrind Grindcore
The Courteeners
The Cramps
Legend Psychobilly
The Cranberries
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist Legend
8.4/10 60
The Crash Motive
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
Alternative Metal Hardcore Post-Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Creepshow
Female Vocalist Psychobilly
The Crest
The Crimson Armada
Deathcore Melodic Metalcore
8.5/10 57
The Crimson Ghosts
Horror Punk
The Crinn
Experimental Mathcore
8.4/10 9
The Crooked Mouth
Folk Rock
The Crookes
Indie Pop Indie Rock
The Crossed (Ex-Five Minutes Alone)
8/10 13
The Crown
The Crownhate Ruin
The Cruxshadows
Darkwave EBM
The Crystal Method
Breakbeat Electronic Techno
The Cult
Glam Rock Gothic Rock Hard Rock
The Cure
Alternative Rock Gothic Rock Legend Post-Punk Выбор Администрации
8.7/10 59
The Cyan Velvet Project
Female Vocalist Gothic Metal Industrial Metal
9.2/10 2
The Cynics
Garage Rock
The Dø
Female Vocalist Folk Indie Rock
The Damned
Legend Post-Punk Punk Rock
The Damned Things
Alternative Metal
The Dandy Warhols
The Darcys
Art Rock Indie Rock
The Day All Fades
7.7/10 5
The Day Everything Became Nothing
Brutal Death Metal Death 'n' roll
The day of glory
The Dead Lay Waiting
6.8/10 25
The Dead President
Ska Punk Skacore
The Dead Rabbitts
7.9/10 5
The Dead Weather
8.4/10 16
The Dead Will Tell
The Dead Wretched
Chaotic Hardcore Melodic Metalcore
The Deadwood Divine
Acoustic Emo Indie Rock
The Dear Hunter
Experimental Indie Rock Progressive Rock
The Dears
The Death of Anna Karina
Experimental Screamo
8.7/10 15
The Death Of Her Money
The Death Set
The Decapitated Midgets
Goregrind Grindcore
The December Drive
Emo Indie Rock
8.8/10 13
The Decemberists
Folk Indie Rock
The Defiled
Groove Metal Melodic Metalcore Modern Metal
The Delgados
The Demonstration
The Destiny Program
The Devastated
The Devil & The Universe
The Devil Came On Horseback
8.7/10 31
The Devil Wears Prada
Christian Electronic Mainstream Post-Hardcore Melodic Metalcore
8.4/10 457
The Devil You Know
The Dictators
Punk Rock Rock
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Legend Mathcore Выбор Администрации
8.3/10 140
The Dirty Youth
The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch
Experimental Jazzcore Mathcore
The Distillers
Female Vocalist Hardcore Punk Rock
The Dodos
The Donnas
Female Vocalist Garage Rock Hard Rock
The Doodles
Female Vocalist Melodic Metalcore Post-Hardcore
The Doors
Blues Rock Legend Psychedelic Rock Выбор Администрации
The Downtown Fiction
8.6/10 12
The Drama Club
The Dream The Chase
?.? 20
The Dried up Fountains
The Drums
Electronic Indie Rock
The Duskfall
The Early November
Acoustic Indie Rock
The Eden House
Darkwave Female Vocalist Gothic Rock
The Edge
The Effort
Hardcore Melodic Hardcore sXe
8.6/10 16
The Ejected
Oi! Punk Rock
The Electric Diorama
Powerpop Trancecore
8.1/10 13
The Elijah
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Post-Metal
8.8/10 51
The Empire Shall Fall
7.3/10 9
The End
Experimental Mathcore Melodic Metalcore
The End Is Near
Deathcore Progressive Metalcore
The End Of All Reason
The End Of Fall
Alternative Rock Nu Metal
The End of Julia
The End Of Six Thousand Years
Deathcore Experimental Melodic Death Metal
The End of the Ocean
Ambient Instrumental Post-Rock
The Endless Blockade
Noise Powerviolence Sludge Metal
The Equinox Ov The Gods
Dark Ambient Doom Metal Gothic Metal
The Evens
The Everdawn
The Evpatoria Report
8.3/10 19
The Exies
The Exploder
The Exploited
Hardcore Legend Punk Rock Thrashcore (Fastcore)
8.3/10 41
The Explosion
The Extraction Point
The Eyes Of A Traitor
The Faceless
Progressive Death Metal Technical Death Metal
8.5/10 40
The Faint
The Fall
Indie Rock Post-Punk Выбор Администрации
8.2/10 9
The Fall of Boss Koala
French Emo/Screamo
The Fall Of Centurion
The Fall Of Troy
Experimental Post-Hardcore
The Fall On Deaf Ears
Emo Female Vocalist Post-Hardcore
The Farewell Monument
The Fashion
The Feelies
Indie Rock Post-Punk
The Few Against Many
Melodic Death Metal Symphonic Metal
?.? 9
The Final Harvest
The Finalist
The Fine Constant
Instrumental Progressive Metal
The Fire Theft
The Fires Of Heaven
The First Disgust
The First Step
The Flaming Lips
The Flaming Tsunamis
The Flashbulb
Ambient Electronic Experimental
8.5/10 14
The Flatliners
Punk Rock Ska Punk Skacore
The Flight of Sleipnir
Doom Metal Stoner Metal
The Flower Kings
Progressive Rock
The Flutter
The Flying Eyes
Blues Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Flying Luttenbachers
Avant-Garde Free Jazz Noise Rock
The Flying Worker!
The Foetal Mind
Atmospheric Black Metal Depressive Black Metal Doom Metal
The Fold
The Foreshadowing
Doom Metal Gothic Metal
The Forgotten Archetype
Experimental Grindcore Melodic Death Metal Powerpop
8.3/10 25
7.1/10 75
The Forrest Gump Mile High Marathon
Slamming Brutal Death Metal
The Forsaken
The Fraiz
Dance-Punk Pop Rock
The Frames
The Fratellis
8.5/10 9
The Fray
8.6/10 9
The Freeze
The Friendzone Kings
The Front Bottoms
The Funeral Honors
The Funeral Pyre
Death Metal Melodic Black Metal
The Future Sound of London
Ambient Electronic
The Futureheads
The Fёrst
The Garden of Delight
The Gaslight Anthem
Folk Rock Indie Rock Punk Rock
The Gathering
Dream Pop Female Vocalist Gothic Metal Legend Progressive Metal
8.3/10 6
The Gazette
J-Rock Visual Kei
8.4/10 617
The Geeks
The Generals
Death 'n' roll Death Metal
The Gentle Storm
Female Vocalist Folk Rock Progressive Metal
The Germs
The Gerogerigegege
Noise Noisecore
3.2/10 7
The Get Up Kids
Alternative Rock Midwest Emo/Indie Emo Pop Punk
9.1/10 6
The Getaway Plan
8.8/10 29
The Ghastly Ones
Garage Rock Psychobilly Rockabilly Surf Rock
The Ghost In Black and White
The Ghost Inside
8.7/10 37
The Ghost of 3.13
Breakcore Experimental
The Ghost Of A Thousand
The Ghost Of Lemora
The Gift Of Ghosts
The Gits
Female Vocalist Grunge Punk Rock
The Glamour Manifesto
8.6/10 28
The Glitch Mob
Electronic Glitch IDM
The Gloria Record
Midwest Emo/Indie Emo Post-Rock
The Glue
Alternative Rock Grunge
8.1/10 14
The God Machine
Alternative Rock Hard Rock Heavy Metal
The Gories
Garage Rock Punk Rock
The Gourishankar
The Graduate
Indie Rock Pop Punk
The Grand Astoria
Experimental Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Stoner Rock
The Graviators
The Great Commission
The Great Deceiver
The Great Redneck Hope
The Greater Me
The Greatness Design
Technical Deathcore
The Green River Burial
Melodic Metalcore Moshcore
The Greenery
The Greenhornes
Garage Rock Indie Rock
The Grey
Indie Rock Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Guilty Unpunished
The Gun Show
The Hardkiss
Alternative Rock Electronic Female Vocalist Pop Rock
The Hareste
Emo Violence Female Vocalist Screamo
The Hated
The Haters
The Hatters
Folk Folk Rock
The Haunted
7.7/10 9
The Haunting Of Leica
The Havknotz
The Heads Are Zeros
Female Vocalist Mathcore
The Heartland
The Heavy
Funk Rock Indie Rock
The Helldozers
The High Wire
Female Vocalist Indie Rock Shoegaze
The Higher
Pop Rock Powerpop
The Hirsch Effekt
Mathcore Post-Hardcore
The Hirudo Effect
Grindcore Mathcore
The Hives
8.5/10 4
The HoBBeats
Alternative Rock Rapcore
The Hold Steady
The Holloways
The Holy Guile
Progressive Deathcore
8.5/10 35
The Honorary Title
The Hoosiers
?.? 22
The Hope Will Not Die
The Horrors
Horror Punk Indie Rock
8.5/10 30
The Hotel Ambush
The Howling Void
Funeral Doom Metal Symphonic Metal
The Hu
Folk Metal
?.? 17
The Human Abstract
The Hunt For Ida Wave
The Hurt Process
The Hush Sound
Female Vocalist Indie Rock
The Hymn of hatred
The Hysteria
8.2/10 24
The Icarus Account
The Icemen
The Idoru
8.6/10 56
The IL
Post-Metal Post-Rock
The Imperial Betrayer
The Inchtabokatables
Folk Rock Industrial Metal Post-Punk Punk Rock
The Inhibitors
The Iniquity Descent
The Intake Of Glass
The InterBeing
The Interrupters
Punk Rock Ska Punk
The Intersphere
Alternative Rock Progressive Rock
The Irish Front
Deathcore Experimental
The Iron Son
The Jackals
The Jam
The Jennifer
?.? 13
The Jesus and Mary Chain
Post-Punk Shoegaze
The Jesus Lizard
Grunge Indie Rock Noise Rock
The John Doe
8.6/10 18
The John Doe Massacre
The Joint Chiefs of Math
Experimental Instrumental Math Rock
The Jonbenet
The Joy Formidable
The Joystick
Pop Punk Punk Rock Street Punk
The Judas Iscariot
Jazzcore Post-Hardcore
The Juliana Theory
The Juliet Massacre
8.8/10 7
The Kamodo
Breakbeat Dance-Punk Electronic
The Kennedy Veil
Technical Death Metal
The Khayembii Communiqué
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble
New Age
7.3/10 14
The Killers
Britpop Indie Rock Rock
8.4/10 54
The Killigans
The Killing
The Kills
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist Indie Rock
The King Blues
Blues Punk Rock Ska Punk
The King Is Dead
The Kinks
Britpop Legend Rock
The Kodan Armada
8.7/10 6
The Kooks
The Korea
8.4/10 985
The Kovenant
Electronic Industrial Metal
8.8/10 9
The Land Of Lost Hopes
The Last Adios
The Last Charge
Beatdown Hardcore Metalcore
The Last Date Of Autumn
Melodic Metalcore Trancecore
7.8/10 26
The Last Days
Post-Black Metal Post-Metal Post-Rock Shoegaze
The Last Felony
6.2/10 5
The Last Flight Of Atlantis
The Last Hangmen
The Last Sea
The Last Secret Of Houdini
Chaotic Hardcore Experimental Post-Metal
The Last Shadow Puppets
The Last Shot of War
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life
8.3/10 3
The Last Warning
The Latah Movement
Experimental Indie Rock Indietronica
The Lazarus Plot
Emo Female Vocalist
The Legendary Pink Dots
Art Rock
The Legion of Doom
8.7/10 11
The Letter Black
Alternative Rock Christian Female Vocalist
8.6/10 37
The Libertines
The Life and Times
Alternative Rock Indie Rock Shoegaze
The Lineage
The Little Ones
The Living End
Alternative Rock Punk Rock
The Locos
Ska Punk
The Locust
Experimental Grindcore Noisecore
The Long Tall Texans
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Folk Metal Power Metal
The Lost Meridian
The Love And Terror Cult
Chaotic Hardcore Female Vocalist Noise Rock
The LoveCrave
The Lowest
The Luminary
The Maddox Brothers and Rose
Country Legend Rockabilly
The Mahones
Folk Punk
The Maine
The Man-Eating Tree
The Maple Room
The March Ahead
The Mars Volta
Experimental Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Mass
Experimental Jazzcore Progressive Metal
The Mass Overdose
The Matches
The Material
The Matrixx
Alternative Rock Electroclash Gothic Rock Post-Punk
The may 4th massacre
The Mayan Factor
The Medic Droid
The Merciless Concept
The Mercury Arc
Melodic Metalcore Modern Metal
The Mermaids Of The Lipetsk Shed
Grunge Psychedelic Rock
The Meteors
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
The Minibosses
Instrumental Nintendocore Progressive Rock
The Mire
Post-Metal Progressive Metal Sludge Metal
8.5/10 12
The Mirror Maze
Death Metal Modern Metal
7.9/10 10
The Mirror Trap
The misanthropic apathy
The Mission
The Mission In Motion
The Modern Age Slavery
The Modern Lovers
The Moldy Peaches
Garage Rock Indie Rock Lo-Fi
The Monks
The Monochrome Set
The Monolith Deathcult
Brutal Death Metal Industrial Metal
The Monster Goes Rawrr!
Alternative Rock Powerpop
The Moody Blues
Legend Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Rhythm And Blues
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud
Dark Ambient Female Vocalist Martial Industrial Neofolk
The Moon Mistress
The Morning After!
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Trancecore
8.1/10 28
The Morningside
The Movielife
Melodic Hardcore Pop Punk
The Muffs
Female Vocalist Punk Rock
The Murder City Devils
8.1/10 10
The Murder Of My Sweet
The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg
Experimental Math Rock Screamo
The Music
The Mutilator
The My Wave
The Naked and Famous
Alternative Rock Electronic Female Vocalist Indie Rock
8.1/10 5
The Nation of Ulysses
The National
The Nearly Deads
8.8/10 3
The Neighbourhood
Alternative Rock Indie Pop Indie Rock
9.4/10 5
The Neteru
The New Amsterdams
The Nice
Legend Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Nightwatchman
Acoustic Folk Rock
The Nixons
Grunge Post-Grunge
The Nomad
The Notwist
the Now
The Number Twelve Looks Like You
8.7/10 29
The Ocean
8.3/10 30
The Ocean Between Us
8.2/10 7
The Ocean The Sky
Electronic Melodic Metalcore Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Offspring
Legend Pop Punk Punk Rock
8.5/10 130
The Old Dead Tree
Doom Metal Gothic Metal Progressive Metal
8.3/10 5
The Old Ground
Alternative Rock Folk Rock
The One Hundred
Electronic Metalcore Rapcore
The Ongoing Concept
Christian Experimental Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Oppressed
Oi! Punk Rock Street Punk
The Oppressor
The Organ
The Osedax
Sludge Metal
The Other
The Overmind
Brutal Death Metal Progressive Deathcore
The Pack A.D.
Blues Rock Indie Rock
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
The Paramedic
Electronic Melodic Metalcore
The Partisan Turbine
Deathcore Grindcore
8.4/10 13
The Party Foul!
The Peace Is There
The Pen Name
The Phantom Carriage
Chaotic Hardcore Experimental
The Pictures in Black and White
The Picturesque Episodes
Ambient Drone Post-Rock
The Pierces
Female Vocalist Indie Rock Pop Rock
The Pigeon Detectives
the pillows
Alternative Rock J-Rock Punk Rock
7/10 10
The Pine
8.9/10 11
The Pineapple Thief
The Pirate Ship Quintet
Post-Rock Screamo
The Plague Doctor
Ambient Depressive Black Metal
The Plaksa (ex. Плакса)
8.1/10 174
The Plasmarifle
Experimental Technical Deathcore
The Plastic People Of The Universe
Avant-Garde Psychedelic Rock
The PlayStations
5.9/10 8
The Plot In You
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Metalcore
8.3/10 12
The Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower
Jazz Post-Hardcore Punk Rock
The Poets Dance
Alternative Rock Electronic Powerpop
The Police
Indie Rock Legend New Wave Pop Rock Post-Punk
8.8/10 15
The Poodles
Glam Rock Hard Rock
The Pop Group
Experimental Post-Punk
The Postal Service
The Postcards
The Postman of Nobel
The Power And The Glory
The Pragmatist
The Presidents of the United States of America
The Pretty Reckless
Alternative Rock Female Vocalist Post-Grunge
The Pretty Things
The Prevalent Reaping
The Price Of Beauty
The Prodigy
Breakbeat Electronic Legend
8.5/10 180
The Profane
The Project Hate MCMXCIX
Female Vocalist Industrial Metal Melodic Death Metal Technical Death Metal
8.3/10 9
The Prom Kings
The Promise Ring
The Psychedelic Furs
The Psychic Paramount
Noise Rock Psychedelic Rock
The Psyke Project
Metalcore Psychedelic Rock Sludge Metal
The Pumpkin King
Horrorcore Rapcore
The Quireboys
The Raconteurs
8.6/10 4
The Radio Sky
The Raincoats
Experimental Female Vocalist Post-Punk
The Rakes
The Rapture
Dance-Punk Indie Rock
The Rasmus
8.4/10 130
The Raspberries
The Raveonettes
The Raving Radio
Hardcore Post-Hardcore
?.? 23
The Re-Stoned
Instrumental Psychedelic Rock Stoner Rock
The Real McKenzies
The Reasons of Anger
The Receiving End of Sirens
The Receptorz
7.8/10 12
The Red Chord
Deathcore Grindcore Technical Deathcore
The Red Death
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Pop Punk
8.4/10 65
The Red October
The Red Shore
Deathcore Technical Death Metal
8.5/10 19
The Relapse Symphony
The Replacements
Alternative Rock Post-Punk Punk Rock
The Residents
Avant-Garde Electronic Legend
The Resistance
The Rigor Mortis
Death Metal Grindcore
The Rise
Electronic Metalcore
The Rising
The Rita
The River Runs Black
The Rodeo Idiot Engine
Chaotic Hardcore Experimental Mathcore
The Rolling Stones
Blues Rock Hard Rock Legend Rock
8.5/10 22
The Room Colored Charlatan
The Ropes
Electronic Female Vocalist Lo-Fi Shoegaze
The Rose Will Decay
8.4/10 36
The Rotted
The Rubens
Blues Rock Indie Rock Soul
The Runaways
Female Vocalist Glam Rock Legend Punk Rock Riot Grrrl
The Running Waves
The Russian Futurists
The Sad Bastard Book Club
Alt-Country Gothic Americana Neofolk
The Saddest Landscape
8.5/10 31
The Safety Fire
The Sainte Catherines
The Saints
The Sammus Theory
The Samuel Jackson Five
The Samurai of Prog
The Sawtooth Grin
The Scientists
Garage Rock Post-Punk
The Screamers
The Script
The Sea and Cake
The Secret
Chaotic Hardcore Crust
The Seed Of Evil
The Seeking
The Serpent and The Siren
The Servant
Alternative Rock Indie Rock Rock
The Seven Mile Journey
The Sharon Stones
The Sheds
The Shins
The Shizit
Deathcore Digital Hardcore Electronic Melodic Metalcore
The Showdown
Christian Melodic Metalcore Southern Rock
The Sideline Haters
The Silence Broken
Alternative Metal Nu Metal
The Sins of thy beloved
The Sisters of Mercy
Gothic Rock Legend Post-Punk Выбор Администрации
The Six Souls
Alternative Metal Electronic Nu Metal
The Sixth Of November
The Skies Revolt
Electronic Experimental Mainstream Post-Hardcore
The Skints
Female Vocalist Reggae Ska Punk
The Sleeping
The Slits
Post-Punk Reggae
The Slow Death
Death Metal Doom Metal Female Vocalist
The Small Faces
Psychedelic Rock Rock
The Smashing Pumpkins
8.6/10 19
The Smashup
Alternative Rock Mainstream Post-Hardcore Pop Punk
The Smiths
Indie Rock Legend Post-Punk Выбор Администрации
8.7/10 18
The Sodium
Melodic Metalcore Nu Metal
The Soft Moon
Ethereal Post-Punk
The Solarburst
The Sold Outs
The Sonics
Garage Rock Legend Rock & Roll Rockabilly
The Sons of Saturn
Emo Violence French Emo/Screamo
The Sorrow
The Soul's Release
The Soulless (Ex-Ignominious Incarcera)
Death Metal Deathcore Melodic Metalcore
The Sound Of Animals Fighting
Experimental Mainstream Post-Hardcore Progressive Rock
The Sounds
The South Action
The Southern Oracle (ex-Slaughter at the Engagement Party)
The Space Cossacks
The Spektrum
Dark Metal Melodic Death Metal
The Spill Canvas
The Spindle Sect
Electronic Nu Metal Rapcore
The Spirit of Versailles
The Starkillers
The Starting Line
The Step Kings
The Stone Roses
Britpop Rock
The Stooges
Legend Punk Rock Rock
The Story So Far
The Stranded
9/10 2
The Stranglers
Alternative Rock New Wave Post-Punk
The Strokes
8.4/10 11
The Subtle Way
The Subways
8.5/10 25
The Suicide Machines
The Sullen Route
The Summer Set
The Sun Is Dead
The Surfaris
The Swell Season
The Symbioz
Crust Neocrust
The Synthetic Dream Foundation
Darkwave EBM Electronic Ethereal Experimental
The Taste of Silver
Grindcore Screamo
the technoillogical myopia
Experimental Female Vocalist Indietronica Post-Rock
The Teen Idles
The Temper Trap
The Things They Carried
The Third Memory
The Threats
The Tidal Sleep
Melodic Hardcore Screamo
The Tightly Bound Band
7/10 15
The Ting Tings
Electronic Female Vocalist Indie Rock
8.4/10 8
The Toasters
The Tone Black
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
8.6/10 133
The Toobes
The Tornadoes
The Tossers
Folk Folk Punk
The Toy Dolls
Legend Oi! Street Punk
The Tridens
The Troggs
Garage Rock Legend Rock
The True Massacre
The Tumbled Sea
Ambient Instrumental
The Twisted Harbor Town
Mainstream Post-Hardcore Metalcore Post-Hardcore
The Twisted Minds
The Unborn Dead
Brutal Death Metal
The Undertones
New Wave Punk Rock
The Unguided
8.7/10 25
The Unseen
The Upper Room
The Used
8.4/10 133
The Vaccines
The Vaine
The Van Pelt
Indie Rock Post-Hardcore
The Vandals
The Vaselines
The Veer Union
The Velvet Underground
Alternative Rock Legend Psychedelic Rock Выбор Администрации
8.7/10 28
The Venetia Fair
The Ventures
The Verve
Alternative Rock Britpop Dream Pop Indie Rock Shoegaze
The Very Best of Chuck Norris
The View
The Vincent Black Shadow
The Vines
The VIP's
7.5/10 22
The Virgins
Alternative Rock Funk Funk Rock Indie Rock
The Virus
Punk Rock Street Punk
The Vision Bleak
The Wake
The Walking Dead Orchestra
The Walkmen
The Wallflowers
The Warriors
Hardcore Metalcore
The Water Fox
The Waters Deep Here
The Weepies
The Wheels Of Sorrow
7/10 67
The White Stripes
8.6/10 21
The Who
Hard Rock Legend
7.3/10 11
The Winery Dogs
The Wombats
Britpop Indie Rock Powerpop